What did God Say?

The Bible says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
Well, in order to “fear God” we must first know who He is, respect who He is and believe what HE says.

There are so many issues, believers freely and liberally weigh in on today. Sometimes our input is Christ centered, other times we give into our flesh and the way we see things. Let us as believers be mindful that it doesn’t matter what you think or what I think. We are not supposed to lean upon our own understanding- especially the understanding that has come from the things we have accumulated in this world— our education, experiences, and positions.

All that matters is what GOD said.

We can see where the world is going. We don’t have to go with it. We can see what the world praises and lifts up, while we continue to lift up the name and nature of Jesus. We can see what the world is afraid of, while we fear God. We can watch the world fight for and put their faith in the Republicans and Democrats, scientists and the CDC and the media. I watch the news, I vote, I wear my face covering but I believe God and I will
stand on his WORD. My faith and hope is in God and God alone.

His WILL , will be done.

Remember who God is: God is holy, loving, merciful and kind. God is forgiving, just, jealous and righteous. God is all powerful. God is faithful.

“ Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers all wrongs.” God’s love covers your sins, their sins and I thank God, his love covers mine too. Let us as believers engage all of God’s people with his love and in his light.

Remembering who God is and who I am in him and to him is a comforter during these divisive times. I just have to believe that All things ( not just the things I like or agree with ) will work together for my good.

Because God is many things, and a liar is NOT one of them.

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