May the God of HOPE fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in HIM, so that you may overflow with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13
This has been my verse of meditation for the month of August. Right now, we are experiencing spiritual warfare. We are bombarded daily with negative news that instigates division and hopelessness.
- I see people overcome with emotions of anger, depression and hopelessness.
- I see people who call themselves believers promote and defend things that are CLEARLY NOT of God.
- I see Pastors who are called to promote the name, nature and message of Christ, spend more time promoting politics, politicians and earthly movements.
I have been able to keep myself encouraged by remembering that the God I serve is a GOD of Hope. In this pandemic, I am comforted as I remember that he is a Healer. Regardless of who is President of the United States, the God I serve is sovereign. The God I serve is King.

I don’t need a street sign, sports jersey or tv commercial to tell me that I matter. If I allow the world to attribute my value, then they could also take away my value. My value comes from the WORD. The word tells me I that before I was born I was set apart. He said that the fruit of the womb is “ HIS reward”. God said he plans to prosper me and give me a future.

That sounds like I matter.
The God I serve is NOT a God of Hate. He is NOT a God of hopelessness.
HE is a God of HOPE.
Yesterday, I spent the day with my mother. We went to Ikea. It was packed. We drove past The Main Event. It too was packed. The mall was packed. The restaurants were packed.
But it’s too dangerous for us to go to church? It’s too dangerous for children to go to school?
I remember growing up in church, I would always hear people say things like ……
- God has not given us a spirit of fear.
- God is bigger than any problem.
In 2020 I’m wondering if they really believe that or if it just sounded good.
Well I do believe it.
I believe in COVID. But I believe God is bigger than COVID. I believe God will NOT allow the righteous to be forsaken.
In this season, let separate ourselves from the world. Let’s stop calling bad things good. Yes we should vote, but none of the presidential candidates look like the nature of God to me. God said we will know them by their fruit. I don’t see Godly fruit from any political party. I do see pandering, name calling, boastfulness and lying. I do see politicians asking God to bless America without asking Americans to do anything for God and promoting agendas that are devoid of godliness.
- I’m tired of seeing Christians going harder for politicians than they do for God. I see them speaking badly about others based on who they are voting for; when we ALL have our OWN mind, and thus our own vote and should be entitled to it.
- In Memphis we’ve had over 200 murders and not one of them has been at the hands of a police officer. Yet, we’ve had multiple protests surrounding police brutality.
- And oh yes, we know racism exists when a white teenager can be armed with an assault rifle in front of police officers , but a twelve year black pre-teen is gunned down while playing with a toy gun. But let me tell you something. Just like God is bigger than COVID, bigger than the President—He is bigger than racism too. Remember God is a just God.
- We have Christians defending wicked music videos and lyrics (WAP). Be careful with that. God said don’t call bad things good and good things bad.

It is 2020 and I am in Good spirts, because my hope comes from God. My joy is not found in this world but in the promises of God. They supersede the promises and plight of MAN. In a world of civil unrest, I am filled with peace. In a world that places money and earthly success as paramount, I’m striving for righteousness. I have still been going to work because the world has identified my job as essential. However, I’m more concerned about being an essential worker in the Kingdom.
God is looking for people who identify as believers to TRUST in HIM. Not in republicans, not in democrats, not in Black Lives Matter, not in the CDC, not in police, not in people, but in HIM and HIM alone.
Change your mind, thoughts and words about 2020. It is not the worst year ever. Remember the lyrics to that song we sing at church in November.
“ Every day is a day of Thanksgiving. Take some time to Glorify the lord TODAY.” – EM
Loved the article. It has much for readers to think about. Loved her honesty. Thanks!
Well said! Thank you for the reminder.
Good stuff EF!!